
Maun Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the stars

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Part of the Puzzle

    Wed 27 Jan 2021

    To all members of our local community,


    Next week (week beginning 1st February) is Children’s Mental Health Week when many children around the country will be learning about promoting positive mental health and ways in which to keep their own minds fit and well.  The national theme for this year’s week is to ‘express yourself’ and children will be encouraged to celebrate the many things that make them who they are.


    In the midst of the current COVID pandemic, at Maun we recognise that not only are our children more susceptible to the anxiety associated with mental health illness right now, but so are our families and the wider community too.  Of course, there is no magic wand to resolve the issues we’re all facing at the moment but we do know that bringing people together in families, local and wider communities can help us all to feel that we’re not alone.  We saw this in the first lockdown with the 8pm clapping on a Thursday and the rainbows placed in windows – both of which helped to bring about a sense of community spirit and understanding that we’re all in this together.


    To recreate such spirit and perhaps to add a small sense of hope for those people living amongst us who may be struggling right now, we’d like to invite you, along with as many members of the local community as possible, to join us in using the theme of the week to connect the community.  You can do this by filling in a puzzle piece (see picture below) with words, drawings or colours that represent you and/or your family.  This is to symbolise that we all have a part to play during this difficult time, to recognise the value of that part and the bigger picture that we are all part of.


    Once your puzzle piece is completed, please put it into your window during Children’s Mental Health Week so our Maun children and members of the wider community can see it when they get out and about for their daily exercise.  You can also share a photo of it on our school Facebook page and even join the wider campaign by emailing your photo to by Friday 5th February.  You can find out more about this by watching this video: and remember to use the hashtag #partofthepuzzle on all associated social media posts.


    We hope you are able to find the time to join us and look forward to spotting puzzle pieces in windows across the community.


    Stay safe and well everyone,

    With best wishes from all at Maun Infant and Nursery School

  • Staff COVID Testing

    Mon 25 Jan 2021

    Following government guidelines, all members of staff will have the opportunity to take Lateral Flow Tests for coronavirus from the week beginning 25th January 2021.  They will do this twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays, and the results are available within 30 minutes.  We have been asked to do this to limit the spread of coronavirus in the community, as it will pick up any asymptomatic cases (currently estimated to be 1 in 3 people who are infected but do not have symptoms).


    We are telling you this because, if a test shows a positive result, then affected bubbles will have to be closed for 10 days or until the staff member gets a negative result from a PCR test (undertaken at a testing centre).  This could happen at very short notice so it is important you have some sort of contingency plan in place for childcare. Of course, if a follow-up PCR test shows a negative result, we will welcome your child back to school as soon as possible.  However, a confirmatory positive result will mean that children in affected bubbles will need to follow self-isolation rules for the full 10 days from their last contact.  We will inform you as soon as we can in these circumstances and confirm the dates involved by email.  Please ensure we have your correct email address and mobile number to avoid delays with communication.


    Please note that we are bound by data protection regulations and will be unable to identify any individual(s) who test results relate to.


    Closed bubbles will switch completely to remote learning, so please make sure you are set up and ready to access this on Teams (KS1)/Tapestry (EYFS) and Bug Club.  If you do not have your child's login details, please contact the school office at so these can be sent to you.


    Please also be aware that:

    • if a number of staff members test positive at once, this could enforce a whole-school closure as directed by Public Health England and/or closure for a few days for deep cleaning of the site to take place.  In both these cases, learning for all children would switch to remote provision
    • if the school office has to close, email via our parents email address ( will be the best way to make contact but it may take us longer to respond - please bear with us!


    In all circumstances, we'll try to ensure that communication is as swift and clear as possible.  Though the instigation of staff testing may cause some inconvenience, we hope you will understand that these are necessary and positive steps to help keep our school and the wider local community safe.


    Many thanks as always for your support during these unprecedented times.


    Best wishes,

    Miss Norman



  • Our First Forest Schools

    Fri 15 Jan 2021 Miss Stannard

    The Butterflies in school have been outside all morning taking part in Forest Schools with Mr Cook.

    We followed animal trails in the snow and made some of our own. We made some beautiful nature wreaths using things we found in the forest and had some independent activity time too! The children will definitely sleep well tonight!
