Mrs Ramsdale is our Child and Family Support Worker in school. She works within our Wellbeing Staff Team and leads provision for children who require support with social, emotional or mental health aspects of their development. She also works closely with the families of our children and is a wealth of knowledge and support!
Maun families can contact Mrs Ramsdale by emailing our parent email address: parents@maun.notts.sch.uk or by phoning her directly on: 07511 871652 during school hours within term-time.
Useful Contact Information
Please be aware of the following contact information for services which can provide support to parents and carers:
- Parentline 07520 619919 – Healthy Family Teams confidential texting service to provide parents and carers advice around feeding, child development, parenting advice and support, emotional health and wellbeing, behaviour difficulties and family health.
- Chat Health 07507 329952 - this is a confidential texting service for 11 to 19 year olds in Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
- ChildLine 0800 1111 www.childline.org.uk
- Kooth - www.kooth.com - this is an online counselling service.
- Health4teens - www.healthforteens.co.uk - this is an NHS site supporting young people around emotional wellbeing.
- Health4kids – www.healthforkids.co.uk – this is an NHS site supporting young children and parents.
- Notts Help Yourself – www.nottshelpyourself.org.uk – this is a site for advice, information and local services available.
- CAMHS crisis team - Tel 01158542299 or 01158440560 or email CAMHSCrisisTeam@nottshc.nhs.uk
- Young Minds – www.youngmids.org.uk