
Maun Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the stars


English Intent Statement

It is our intent to provide our children with an engaging and empowering English curriculum that equips for today and an ever-changing future. We aim to instil a desire for learning and motivate all pupils to develop individually and together. Our English curriculum framework enables all children to develop the skills and knowledge to allow everyone to reach their full potential.


At Maun Infant and Nursery School, we believe that a quality English curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing and discussion. Our intent is when our children leave us, they are avid readers, who read fluently and widely and can express preferences and opinions about the texts that they read. We want them to read for pleasure, having had access to a wide range of text types, genres and authors in order for them to make informed opinions about their favourites. Starting in Nursery, we teach a structured phonics programme which equips children with the skills to be able to decode to read and encode to spell. We want to produce children who write with confidence and accuracy for a variety of purposes and audiences whilst developing their own individual flair. Our intention is that our children can write with grammatical accuracy and be able to apply spelling patterns correctly using a neat handwriting style. Throughout a child’s time at Maun, they will be taught the skills for effective composition of writing across various genres. We aim to expose our children to a wide range of vocabulary so that they able to decipher new words and then use them when speaking both informally and formally. We want to inspire children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening and who can use discussion to communicate and further their learning. We will aim for our children to apply all these English skills to all areas of the curriculum.

Implementation and Impact

English Curriculum



CHATTA Approach
