
Maun Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the stars


What do the Governing Body Do?
At Maun we are fortunate to have a governing body who take their role in supporting the school and it's development seriously.  The governing body do this through:


  • Attending termly Management Committee and Full Governing Body meetings
  • Supporting the school in matters relating to Health and Safety
  • Understanding and taking seriously all issues linked to the safeguarding of children
  • On-going monitoring which includes meeting with staff and pupils, taking part in staff meetings, observing lessons, looking at work in books alongside appropriate leaders, receiving a termly report from the headteacher, keeping up to date with the School Improvement Plan and regularly visiting school
  • Link governors meeting with key members of the Maun Staff Team
  • Attending governor training events
  • Understanding and impacting on the School Improvement Plan
  • Being fully aware of the school budget and management of resources, and how use of finances impacts on pupil progress and attainment, with a particular focus on money targeted at specific areas
  • Understanding how well the school is doing in relation to pupil progress, attainment and attendance
  • Holding school leaders to account
  • Taking every opportunity to work alongside parents, informing them and listening to their views


Governing Body Structure:

In the Spring term 2017, the Governing Body was reconstituted to reduce the total number of Governors to 10, all of whom sit on the Management Committee.  This committee deals with all matters related to pupils, curriculum, finance and personnel, whilst a smaller committee deals with matters linked to pay.  The Governors felt that this structure would enable them to better support the school.

Link Governor Responsibilities:

All our governors have specific link roles which enable them to become 'experts' about different aspects of our school.  These will often form the basis of monitoring carried out by the governors on their visits to school. 

Governor Membership

Below are pictures of our Governors, please do feel you can approach them with any questions or queries about the school - they will be very happy to talk to you.

Governors’ Monitoring Statement:


Governors have an important part to play in the Leadership and Management of the school. They need to be fully aware of their school’s strengths and development needs and be able to communicate these to each other and a range of stakeholders, including parents and school inspectors/advisors. As governors play an important role in the strategic development of the school, a range of monitoring opportunities are required to help them i support school leaders in decisions relating to finance and school development planning.

A school monitoring programme is in place which has a section relating to governor monitoring for the current year drawn up by governors and staff and linking to the School Improvement Plan.


Governors will be supported in their monitoring role through;

  • Formal and informal visits to school

  • Regular newsletters

  • Use of school website

  • Involvement in HT appraisal and evaluating teacher appraisal processes

  • Analysis of data including outcomes for specific groups of pupils

  • Being involved in a programme of classroom observations

  • Pupil interviews

  • Staff interviews

  • Visiting on special event days

  • Access to school policies

  • Staff training evaluations

  • Involvement in staff meetings eg work scrutiny

  • Learning walks

  • Involvement as pro-active committee member

  • Minutes of meetings.

  • Financial Reports including assessing value for money

  • Head Teacher termly report

  • Gov meetings held in classrooms as appropriate

  • Being kept up to date with the School Development Plan and Self Evaluation and impacting upon these


    To support governors with their monitoring role, training is provided either through the Local Authority termly course programme or in house designed training.

Attendance at Governor Meetings
