Welcome to the Year one page. On this page, you will find out about the current projects and homework challenges. This half term, we will be doing PE every Tuesday and Thursday. The children can come dressed in their active clothes.
Summer 2
Our Important Person: Bob Marley
Enquiry Question: What can music show about my identity?
Our Concepts: Creativity, Identity, Diversity
Our learning:
English: We will be reading The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield. The children will be developing their story writing skills.
Maths: In maths we will be learning to multiply, divide and make equal groups. We will be learning to find a half and a quarter of objects and a number. We will continue working with numbers to 100. We will be developing our positional and directional language and also throughout the half term learning to tell the time. We will continue to develop our mental maths with our daily CLIC sessions.
Science: We will be learning and investigating materials and their properties. We will be learning how to sort and classify materials according to their properties.
Geography: In geography we will be learning about maps and symbols. We will learn how to create our own maps.
PE: In REAL PE, we will be learning how to use the equipment safely, learning how to control balls, learning how exercise is good for our body and mind. We will be learning how to hit a ball accurately and learning the skills to play mini tennis.
RE: we will be learning about symbols in worship and why synagogues are important to believers.
Music: We will continue singing and playing instruments through our Voices Foundation programme. We will be listening and comparing music, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaGUr6wzyT8 - ‘Three Little Birds’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFcq9ouzY5s – ‘Tropical Bird’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCtkq00Fs5M - ‘Four White Horses'.
Computing: We will be learning how to create a soundscape for a forest of city.
PSHRE: We will be learning the importance of money, why we need it and the importance of saving. We will be learning about how we have changed and become more independent. We will be learning about Clever Never Goes - and how to keep ourselves safe. https://clevernevergoes.org
Author of the Months
June - David Litchfield
July - Alexis Deacon
How can I make my dreams come true?
Famous Person: Wilma Rudolph
Concepts: Strength, equality, passion
Our school Drivers: Resilience, identity, possibilities
When Wilma Rudolph was a little girl, she contracted polio. Doctors said she would never walk again. But with persistent treatment, she made a remarkable recovery aged 11. Wilma went on to show a supremem talent for sprinting at school. She was at university when she went to the 1960 Olympics, where she not only won gold medals in sprint events, but also broke records with her sprinting skill. Her success made many girls realise that sprinting was not something only boys can do. When she returned home fro the olympics, the governor planned to hold a welcome home parade. Wilma attended under one single condition; people of all colours should join the celebration as one.
Wider Curriculum
Science: In science, we are learning about trees and plants. The children will be naming parts of trees and plants. They will be naming and comparing trees, flowers and wild flowers.
PE: In REAL PE, the children will be moving confidently performing skills and linking movements together. They will be developing their coordination skills, agility and responses. The children will be developing their throwing, jumping and running skills in athletics.
History: Learn about the lives of significant people.
RE: In RE, the children will be learning about symbols in religious worship and practice. They will be finding out why churches are important to believers.
Computing: The children will be learning to create programmes
DT: Food Technology - The children will learn the importance of eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day. They will learn how to use tools and develop their cutting skills. Understand where food comes from.
Talking Points: In PSHRE, the children will be talking about 'What does worry feel like?' Thinking about loneliness and isolation and how children should be encouraged to talk about this. Understand that it is normal to worry.
'Do I always have to be the best?' Understanding that you don't have to be the best at everything and knowing that if you are not the best it doesn't mean you have failed.
'What do I do in an emergency?' To know to call 999 in an emergency.
April - Kes Gray
May - Alexis Deacon
June - David Litchfield
Can small things be mighty?
Spring 2
Our Famous Person: Inngeborg Beling
Our School Drivers: Resilience, Possibilities, Identity
Our Concepts: Strength, Passion, Wisdom
Our Learning
Ingeborg Beling is inspiring us this half term. In Germany in the late 1920s, Ingeborg Beling helped to reveal the secret of what keeps all life on Earth ticking. Ingeborg joined a team of scientists who noticed that bees did some extraordinary things.
The Wider Curriculum
Science - In science we are learning about plants and trees. The children will be naming parts of trees and plants. They will be naming and comparing garden flowers and wild flowers.
Art - In art we will be focusing on collage. We will be using the book Lucy's Picture by Nicola Moon as our inspiration. The children will be investigating and exploring different fabrics and learning to weave. They will be learning how to join materials. The children will design a garden and as a team create their own collage.
Computing - In computing the children will be learning about algorithms. They will learn what algorithms are. Follow and write instructions. They will use beebots and ipads. Learn how to use symbols to program a beebot. They will learn about de-bugging.
RE - In RE the children will listen to the story about Joseph and discuss the emotion jealousy. The children will also be learning about Jewish and Christian festivals. They will look at how people celebrate and why.
Talking Points - In Talking Points we will be reading No Means NO, Augustus and his smile and My Yellow balloon. During these sessions, the children will be discussing when is it ok to say no and keeping themselves safe. What makes me happy? Understanding that we only need to look around us and beauty is everywhere. What does sad feel like? What makes us sad? When we are sad, what helps us to smile again?
PE - In PE the children will be expressing themselves in dance with Coach Clare. In REAL PE the children will be completing Unit 4 Creativity. The children will be developing their coordination and ball skills. They will also be developing their counter balance.
Each month the children listen to stories from different authors. Visit the local library to see if you can find any stories from these authors.
March - David Mckee
April - Kes Gray
Our Learning
James Starley is our famous person that will be inspiring us this half term. We will find out what it is like to be an inventor. James Starley is remembered as one of the most important people in the early history of the bicycle. He was named 'father of the bicycle' and one of the most successful bicycle inventors of the 19th century.
Our Concepts - faith, change, failure
The Wider Curriculum
In science, we will be investigating materials. The children will be finding out about different materials and their properties. We will be sorting and classifying materials. In DT, we will be finding out what it is like to be an inventor. We will be using the texts, Izzy Gismo and Mrs Armitage on wheels to support our learning.
In PE, we will be completing Unit 3 - cognitive in our REAL PE scheme and also gymnastics. We will continue to complete our daily skip and during Wellness Wednesday take part in some Yoga sessions.
In RE, we will be listening to stories Jesus told and stories about Jesus. In Talking Points, we will be using the texts - The Tooth Book, I don't want to wash my hands and No more dragons for tea.
In History, we will be looking at chronology and finding out about inventions in the Victorian period. We will be finding out how inventions changed over time.
In computing, we will be learning about how to stay safe online and the importance of keeping safe. Enjoy completing the homework challenges and we look forward to seeing all your great efforts at the end of the half term.
Please bring your reading book and diary to school everyday. If the children read 3 times a week, they receive a sticker. If the children read five times or more, they are able to get a dip in the box! Read lots in one week and you may even get chosen to take Reading Ted home!
In each class, we have a reading river. Print is all around us, so we want to encourage the children to bring items they have read other than their reading book; for example, leaflets, road signs, menus, comics. Bring in photos or the item and we will put them up on our reading river.
Author of the Month
Every month we pick a different author. By the end of the year, the children will have listened to stories or poems by 10 different authors. Visit the library or look on your bookshelves at home to see if you have any books by these famous authors.
January - John Burningham
February - Judith Kerr
Our key question: What makes a good role model?
Our concepts to link our learning: Respect, community, rights
This half term, Pocahontas is our inspiring famous person. She was instrumental to maintaining relations between her father and the Jamestown colonists and is believed to be the first Powhatan Indian to convert to Christianity. She is remembered as a courageous, strong woman who left an indelible impression on colonial America. Visit the library and find out some interesting facts about Pocahontas.
In English, we are reading Traditional Tales and comparing them to Native American tales. We will be looking at the features of the tales, settings, characters, morals and lessons learnt. The children will continue to develop their sentence writing skills and write their own traditional tales. We will also be reading the story The Dot. In this story, Vashti shows perseverance and resilience. This story teaches our children what they can achieve if they believe in themselves.
In maths, we will continue to use Power Maths and do CLIC every day to strengthen our number skills.We will be working with numbers to 10, making our number bonds and using equipment to solve additions and subtractions. Later in the term, we will be investigating both 2D and 3D shapes.
In science, we will learn about the seasons. We will investigate how the seasons and why the seasons change. In music, we will be learning all about pulse and rhythm. We will be listening to Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ (Baroque period)
In PE, we will be following our scheme REAL PE and also learning the importance of being part of a team. We will be developing our throwing and catching skills and learning how to play Bench Ball.
In art, we will be developing our drawing skills and learning how to create different effects using pencils, crayons and pastels. In PSHRE, we will be discussing What makes a person? Who is in my family? Who is important to me? We will use quality texts to learn about these topics. In RE, we will be learning about celebrations and festivals. How and what do Christians and Jewish people celebrate?