
Maun Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the stars

Year 2 Cohort Page

Every day your child will need the following items - 

  • Book bag with their reading book and reading diary.
  • Named water bottle - with only water in it please.
  • Correct uniform and shoes - please name items that are regularly taken off, eg - jumpers, cardigans, coats etc.
  • Active wear can be worn on our PE days.  Earrings should be removed and long hair tied up please.


Scroll down to see our termly updates.  


Knowledge Mat for Autumn 2


Our important person this term is Mary Anning

Our key question is – Did dinosaurs really walk the Earth?


  • English – we will be continuing to develop our writing skills through using dinosaur themed texts to help us write a persuasive piece of writing and a non-fiction piece.
  • Maths – Using the Whiterose scheme we will be continuing with addition & subtraction and moving onto shape near the end of term.
  • Science – The unit we are studying is Living Things and their Habitats.   We will be learning about where living things live and what a habitat provides for them.  We will also learn about how animals depend on each other for food by creating food chains.
  • Geography – We will be learning about the Jurassic Coast and the key physical features of geographical locations.
  • RE - The topic is Christianity and knowing what Christians believe about God and creation.  We will learn how Christians show their beliefs and this will link in with Christmas nearer the end of term.  
  • PSHRE - Through our Talking Points lessons we will learn about how we compromise with others.  We will also know about parts of our body and understand what ‘private’ means.
  • Art – We will learn about tone and how to make shades of colour lighter / darker.  We will use these skills to create a background for some dinosaur silhouette art.
  • PE – Our REAL PE unit is ‘Social’ and we will learn skills for jumping and landing as well as holding and maintaining a seated balance.  We will also take part in team games this term to develop our skills for cooperation, communication and teamwork.

Author of the Month.

Every month we pick a different author. By the end of Year 2 the children would have listened to stories or poems by 10 different authors. They would have experienced 10 authors in F2, and Year 1. This opens our children's eyes to different authors and genres.

November - Valerie Thomas

December - Tom Fletcher



Our important person this term is Samuel Pepys

Our key question is - What was so great about the fire of London?  


  • English – we will be using 2 key texts to help with our story writing.  These are the traditional tale of Puss in Boots and Into the Forest by Anthony Browne.  We will be looking at characters, settings and story language to help us write our own stories.
  • Maths – We are moving to a new scheme and will now be using Whiterose Maths.  For the first term the focus will be place value and addition & subtraction.
  • Science – The unit we are studying is animals including humans.  We will be learning about adult animals having offspring that grow into adults.  We will learn about life cycles and order events in chronological order.  We will also look at how humans stay healthy through exercise, hygiene and diet. 
  • History – The Great Fire of London.  We will learn about this important historical event in our British history and how it has impacted on our lives today.  We will focus on learning about homes / lifestyles of the people during that time.
  • Geography – We will be learning about London as our capital city and we will learn geographical skills such as being able to name and recognise human and physical features of a place.  We will also be learning about the River Thames and the role it played during the great fire.
  • RE - The topic is inspirational people; we will learn what it means to be inspirational and about some of the inspirational people in the Bible. 
  • PSHRE - Through our Talking Points lessons we will learn about the importance of exercise, how to eat a balanced diet and how to stay safe around medicines.
  • Computing – our first unit is linked to coding.  We will be looking at commands and functions.
  • DT – Linked to our Fire of London topic we will be designing and making Tudor style houses.
  • PE – Our REAL PE unit is ‘Personal’ and we will learn skills for footwork including stepping and balancing.  We will also have Coach Claire for dance this term.

Author of the Month.

Every month we pick a different author. By the end of Year 2 the children would have listened to stories or poems by 10 different authors. They would have experienced 10 authors in F2, and Year 1. This opens our children's eyes to different authors and genres.

September - Anthony Browne

October - Emily Gravett

Knowledge Mat - Autumn 1
