Intent Statement
Through the History curriculum at Maun, we aim to develop a passion and inquisitive nature for the subject amongst our children. We want our children to know what it means to be a historian, to make connections between the past and present, and for them to develop their curiosity within their own history, and that of Britain and the wider world.
Our curriculum will allow our children to develop a range of historical knowledge and gain chronological understanding of events, periods and people. They will learn how to find out about the past through a range of different sources and that these can be interpreted in different ways by different people. Through an enquiry approach, we aim to expose children to new vocabulary and historical concepts enabling ‘sticky knowledge’ to become embedded within their long-term memory. This is consistently building on their previous knowledge and complimenting the wider curriculum.
In addition to subject specific knowledge and skills, our history curriculum will support children’s wider development linked to our curriculum drivers:
History Curriculum