Intent Statement
At Maun we want to build a Design & Technology curriculum that meets the interests of all children and enables all our pupils to develop their talents. We aim to develop creative, curious learners who can embrace an ever-changing environment. We aspire for children to develop their curiosity and to gain understanding of how this relates to them and their own identity. We aim to equip children with the skills and the knowledge they need to plan, design, make and evaluate products, opening the possibility of a range of different paths in their future. Through learning a range of DT skills our children will develop the resilience that they need to thrive in our ever-changing world. Through the teaching of DT, we hope that children will develop the resilience to problem solve and consider their own and others’ needs. We aim to, wherever possible, link work to other curriculum areas such as Mathematics, English, Science, Computing and Art. We intend to teach a curriculum where, the appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding are taught as set out in the National Curriculum Design Technology Programmes of Study. We will fulfil the duties of the National Curriculum whereby schools must provide a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities and responsibilities they will face in later life. In the Early Years, our youngest children are encouraged to share their experiences, observations and knowledge, begin to develop investigative skills and ask and answer questions. This will create a curiosity for learning about the wider world. Through the study of design and technology children will combine practical skills with an understanding of endless possibilities to designing and making in order to create a product. Evaluation is an integral part of the design process and allows children to adapt and improve their product, this is a key skill which they need throughout their life.
DT Curriculum