
Maun Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the stars


Intent Statement

At Maun Infant and Nursery School, we believe that teaching Geography should provide our children with a better understanding of our ever-changing world. Children should deepen their understanding of the world around them through a range of experiences and be exposed to a variety of sources, including geographical features local to them. In the Early Years, our youngest children are encouraged to share their experiences, observations and knowledge, begin to develop investigative skills and ask and answer questions. This will create a curiosity for learning about the wider world. 


In Key Stage 1, the starting point is our school itself. The children learn about their local area and then they travel further afield to compare their lives to other regions of the United Kingdom and other countries. As geographers, the children will develop their fieldwork, mapping skills and investigative skills.  As meteorologists, we keep a close eye on the weather too! 

Geography Curriculum
