
Maun Infant and Nursery School

Reach for the stars


Welcome to Maun and the Rabbit Team!


Here you will find updates on all the exciting things we are doing in our class and also lots of useful information for parents and carers.


The class teacher in our team is Mrs Wright and our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Welch and Mrs Frearson.

Rabbit Team have PE on Wednesday and Friday and kits should have the appropriate clothing for both indoor and outdoor PE as they will remain in school all the time. PE kits will be sent home for washing every half term.  If children wear earrings they need to be removed before coming to school on our PE days or, as an alternative, the children can bring their own plasters / tape to school to place over their earrings themselves. Water bottles should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and go home every day for cleaning. If your child has a packed lunch, they need to bring this in a disposable bag as currently we are not bringing lunch boxes/bags into school. 


It is really important that your child reads every day as small amounts of practice can make a big difference to their skills and learning as a whole. Every morning we check your child's reading diary to see if your child has shared a book with you. To encourage this reading every day we have set a 'reading challenge' where children move their own rabbits forward every time they read at home. If they read the expected 3 times a week, they are awarded a special sticker. If they read 5 times or more in a week they are awarded a treat from the prize box. Children who are impressing the grown-ups in class with their reading, will have their names put forwards to receiving the reading trophy and 'Reading Ted' and his diary to take home for the weekend.

Alongside your school reading book there are also books available on BugClub and the login details are in the front of their reading diaries. 


We also have our Reading River display.  This is to show how important reading is in everyday life.  On our river we will display and type of reading that isn't from a story book.  This could be - menus, leaflets, instructions, signs, packets, recipes etc.  If your child does any type of reading that is separate from their reading book, then let us know and we can display it on our river.  Even better if you can send it the actual thing that they read!

Some pic collages of our learning in Rabbit Team


As part of our RE we have been learning about the importance of the Christingle at Christmas time.  We know that the orange represents the world, the red ribbon is Jesus' blood and God's love, the 4 sticks and sweets mean the seasons and the good things God created and the candle in the top symbolises Jesus being the light of the world for Christians.  We made our own Christingles in class and wrote about them. 

During Anti-bullying week and Mental Health Awareness Day...

  •  We thought about what makes us the people we are.  We considered our 'identities' and how we are all different.  To show this we all wore odd socks for the day!
  •  We thought about how being physically and emotionally unwell / hurt can look to others.
  •  We read the stories of Silly Billy and Ruby Finds a Worry.  We made worry dolls to help share our worries with.
  •  We considered the ingredients to make a good friend - then we wrote our own friendship recipes.
  •  We know that bullying means STOP - Several Times On Purpose and that we can STOP bullying if we - Start Telling Other People!

We thought about the importance of the poppy for remembrance and we created poppy artwork to show respect to the fallen soldiers.

We created our own paint palettes by using ‘Lowry’ colours. We can make any colour using red, blue and yellow. We can make colours lighter by adding white and darker by adding black.

Help us fill our Reading River with all your reading experiences!

Below is a compiled list of really useful websites with free games and activities that you can introduce to your child to supplement their learning.   Click on the link below and start the fun educational games: 

BBC Bitesize  - All topics
Arcade based maths games 
Create your own spelling lists, booklets & games
Spelling, Reading and Maths - Funzone

Spelling games - Scrabble, hangman, crosswords 
See N Spell - English, Science, Maths - choose your game
Patterns & tricky Words - Look, cover, check game

Rainbow Grammar - Sentence Structure

Green represents the main subject of a sentence (normally a noun)

e.g. boy  children   bells   tree   Paul   television   apples

The next part of the sentence is where the action happens and we colour this orange. 

It is called the predicate (normally starts with a verb)

e.g. clucked around in the yard    rang out of the town    sizzling in the pan

We use red for all the punctuation that may occur in a sentence. this means full stops, exclamation marks, questions marks and commas.

